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Name | Description | Added | ||
Letter in reply to 'The Weekly Worker'.
By Tony Clark. |
A nutshell history of 20th century marxism - and right now. Can there be such a thing as a "Stalinism with an ecological twist"?. |
21-JUN-08 |
Letter to 'The Weekly Worker' - The defeat of socialism in the 1980s and 1990s was an ideological defeat.
By Tony Clark. |
With the neo-liberal capitalist "utopia" now in tatters,
the left can confidently assert the need for an ecologically sustainable socialist society
based on planned production for need. |
25-MAY-08 |
PEAK OIL: Permanent Crisis Capitalism.
By Tony Clark. |
Capitalism is entering a new period of permanent energy crisis as oil production peaks and goes into rapid decline. |
27-APR-08 |
"Stalinizm" - Londra’daki Sarat Akademisi’de Yapilan Konusma. Çeviren Garbis Altinoglu. |
In Turkish - Bill Bland's "Stalinism" (Translated by Garbis Altinoglu. To read this in English, see "Stalinism") |
17-FEB-08 | ||
Links to articles by Garbis Altinoglu |
Turkey’s Kurdish Problem and its Impact on Northern Iraq
Beytushebap Massacre: Lies and Crimes of Turkish Militarists |
A talk presented at the Stalin Society in London in September 2007. |
04-SEP-07 |
Ticktin's Revisionist Campaign. By Tony Clark. |
A conference of left-wing revisionists recently decided on a sixteen-point platform as the basis for their campaign for a new Marxist Party, openly declaring that "there are no Marxist parties or would-be Marxist parties or groups in existence". |
15-JUL-07 |
FIFTY YEARS Since Krushchev's Infamous Secret Speech. By Wilf Dixon. |
The 20th Congress of the CPSU marked a turning point in the history of the struggle of workers and oppressed peoples. |
09-APR-07 |
SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY: The International Marxist-Leninist Review interviews Tony Clark. |
The reformist social democratic movement has been pro-imperialist since 1914, standing with the bourgeoisie against the working class at every opportunity. | 30-Nov-06 | ||
By Tony Clark. |
100 Years of Permanent Revolution. | 29-Sep-06 | ||
The first lesson of the 20th Century for revolutionaries | 05-Aug-06 | ||
By Tony Clark. |
What is in fact the first and foremost lesson of the “short 20th Century” ? | 16-Jul-06 | ||
Trotskyism or Leninism: An Historical Outline. By Tim Logan (CPGB-ML). |
Recent years have witnessed a revival of Trotskyism aided by the capitalists in the imperialist countries, in particular by the growth of a labour aristocracy funded by imperialist super-profits. | 31-Dec-05 | ||
Letter to the central committee of the Workers Revolutionary Party. By Tony Clark. |
Lenin’s view of the world revolutionary process and Trotsky's opposition to building socialism in one country. | 11-Dec-05 | ||
Bourgeois democracy and proletarian democracy. By Wilf Dixon. |
A talk given to the Stalin Society on 24th July 2005. | 11-Dec-05 | ||
The state of Russian communism from the perspective of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Translated by Kevin Cain. |
This paper deals with the disunity within Russian communism today. | 11-Dec-05 | ||
On the Political Role of Sectarianism in the Anti-War Movement. By Tony Clark. |
Clark argues that the political role of sectarianism is to divert people away from participating in the mass movement. | 23-Apr-05 | ||
Imperialist Forces Out of Iraq! By John B. Green. |
A CP Alliance leaflet distributed at the Stop the War Demonstration of 19th March 2005. | 19-Mar-05 | ||
By Tony Clark. |
A brief guide to the ideological differences between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism. | 12-Mar-05 | ||
A New Surface on | Bland’s criticism, written in 1975, refers to the old CPGB,
whose revisionist programme has passed to the Communist Party of Britain. |
12-Mar-05 | ||
A Reply to Hillel Ticktin. By Tony Clark. | Tony Clark replies to Hillel Ticktin's letter in the Weekly Worker which, like so much bourgeois propaganda, castigates "Stalinism". | 12-Mar-05 | ||
28-Dec-04 | ||
28-Dec-04 | ||
18-Aug-04 | ||
Book Review: THE DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN COMMUNIST PARTY. A History of the Communist Party of the United States Since 1945. By David A. Shannon. Reviewed by T. Clark. |
22-Jun-04 | ||
Letter from a High School Student.
J. B. Green. |
25-May-04 | ||
The Dialectical World Revolutionary Process. T. Clark. |
16-Apr-04 | ||
Book Review: The Enemy Within. The rise and fall of the British Communist Party. By Francis Beckett. Reviewed by T. Clark. |
16-Feb-04 | ||
Book Review: The Silent Takeover. Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy. By Noreena Hertz. Reviewed by T. Clark. |
| 26-Jan-04 |
Hertz does not notice that the international conglomerates are all based on highly socialised production and are directed by a plan; that society has therefore outgrown capitalist ownership of the means of production; that global capitalism represents immense wealth based on socialised production side by side with abject poverty, even in the richest capitalist country, USA.
Social Democratic Delusions.
By H. Powell. |
17-Jan-04 | ||
Marxism and Class: Some Definitions.
By W. B. Bland. |
01-Jan-04 | ||
Book Review: Trotsky's Analysis of Soviet Bureaucratisation. By David W. Lovell. Reviewed by T. Clark. |
Lovell emphasises that Trotsky's contribution to the debate on the nature of the Soviet Union after Lenin was fundamentally of a moral character. |
29-Dec-03 | ||
Socialism and Bureaucracy.
T. Clark. |
The problem of bureaucracy during the socialist transformation. |
20-Nov-03 | ||
Peaceful Coexistence - Two Diametrically Opposed Policies.
From People's Daily and Red Flag December 12, 1963. |
The revisionists distorted the Leninist policy of peaceful coexistence into an opportunist strategy to undermine anti-imperialist revolution. |
28-Sep-03 | ||
Trotsky and the Anti-Lenin Conspiracy.
By T. Clark. |
After the February Russian revolution of 1917, the Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky conducted a witch-hunt against Lenin and the Bolshevik party. |
20-Aug-03 | ||
An Historic Victory of Marxism-Leninism over Revisionism.
Tirana, 1971. |
This document represents the high point in the struggle against modern revisionism in the communist movement. |
20-Jul-03 | ||
Stalin On Trotskyism.
From J. V. Stalin, On the Opposition. |
Part VI of The Trotskyist Opposition Before and Now with an introduction. |
20-Jul-03 | ||
Stalin And Khruschev: A Dialectical Contrast.
By Professor K. Majid. |
An incisive condemnation of Khrushchevite revisionism, which emerged in the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin in 1953. The paper also criticises the revisionists in Britain for adhering to Khrushchev's line of a peaceful transition to socialism. |
18-Jul-03 | ||
Break With the Imperialist Labour Party!
By Tony Clark. |
The struggle against imperialism necessitates a determined struggle against social democracy. Marxist-leninists must strive to break the working class from following the Labour Party leadership. |
20-Jun-03 | ||
On Sectarianism.
By John B. Green. |
"Lines of demarcation have been drawn between those who uphold the principles of Marxism-Leninism and those who attack these principles..." |
14-Jun-03 | ||
The Truth About Stalin.
By Wilf Dixon. |
A talk given to the Secular Society. |
12-Jun-03 | ||
The Origin and Development of Revisionism in the C.P.G.B. (Part 1).
By Wilf Dixon. |
Opportunism - its roots and development. |
04-May-03 | ||
The Origin and Development of Revisionism in the C.P.G.B. (Part 2).
By Wilf Dixon. |
The Labour Party - Party of Imperialism or the "left". |
04-May-03 |
Lenin's Theory of the World Revolutionary Process.
By Tony Clark. |
In this short article, T. Clark clearly explains the Marxist-Leninist viewpoint. If you are researching this area, you cannot do better than to begin your studies here. |
04-May-03 | ||
Che Guevara |
An article on Ernesto "Che" Guevara, by J. J. Lawrence written for Communist Party Alliance. |
05-Apr-03 | ||
Oppose the New Imperialism!
Text of a leaflet for a Stop the War! demonstration against war on Iraq. |
21-Feb-03 | ||
The Communist Party of China and the 20th Congress of the CPSU.
The rise of modern revisionism in the international communist movement after the death of J. V. Stalin. |
24-Jan-03 | ||
'The Third International After Lenin’ |
The International Marxist-Leninist Review interviews T. Clark in depth on Trotsky's seminal work. |
25-May-02 |
"Trotsky’s ‘Third International After Lenin’ is a continuation of Trotsky’s struggle against Leninism."
The theory of 'socialism in one country'. |
The International Marxist-Leninist Review interviews T. Clark following his article on the origins of the theory of socialism in one country. |
14-Apr-02 | |
N. Khrushchev - his role in the anti-Stalin campaign
and in the destruction of socialism.
By Cathie Majid |
A paper presented to a meeting of the Stalin Society in London in June 1993. |
11-Apr-02 | |
The fight against bureaucracy in the Soviet Union. By Carlos Rule |
"Lenin and the Bolsheviks ... estimated that the dictatorship was menaced ‘from inside’ by the bureaucratisation of the Soviet state apparatus".
03-Apr-02 | |
American Expansionism and Iraq |
Text of a leaflet advertising an CP Alliance Public Meeting.
18-Mar-02 | |
Albania and China |
K. Majid traces the development and decline of the early anti-revisionist movement as it battled with modern revisionism, personified by the Khruschevites. |
16-Mar-02 | |
The Juche Idea in |
In 1992, the DPRK revised its constitution to exclude any reference to Marxism-Leninism. Gary Howell describes the main features of the Juche Idea and contrasts it with Marxism. |
04-Mar-02 | |
Communist History and Ideology. | Discussions concerning the main ideas of Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky. |
01-Feb-02 | |
The Communist Revolution and the Middle Strata |
One of the basic questions of the workers revolution - discussed by Tony Clark. |
11-Dec-01 | |
End the War John B. Green |
The text of a leaflet, a brief statement against the war. |
26-Nov-01 | |
An ABC of Communism |
An introduction to some of the ideas of Communism. We hope this will be of interest to students of Marxism-Leninism and to people who are just coming into contact with Communist ideas for the first time. |
24-Jun-01 | |
The International Marxist-Leninist Review No. 3/2001 | The third issue of the publication of the NCMLU. |
09-Jun-01 | |
In Memory of Bill Bland |
Bill Bland and the National Committee for Marxist-Leninist Unity
02-Jun-01 | |
The National Question in Britain | An analysis of the National Question in Britain by W. B. Bland for Communist Party Alliance (NCMLU). |
23-Mar-01 | |
Proletarian No. 1 - Reprint. Economism, Tailism and the New Communist Party To check out the NCP's |
In spite of the incorrect standpoint of the Proletarian group
as regards the CPSU, this was a ground-breaking document, containing an essential
exposition of Marxism-Leninism concerning the concept of levels of consciousness in the class. |
04-Mar-01 | |
British Neo-Imperialism | A study of the development of modern British Imperialism from The Marxist-Leninist Research Bureau. |
30-Jan-01 | |
The Proletariat in Britain |
The Marxist-Leninist Research Bureau is a constituent body of Communist Party Alliance.
28-Jan-01 | |
Communist League (Compass) Link to Site |
Compass is the publication of The Communist League.
01-Aug-00 | |
Marx and the Theory of the Absolute Impoverishment of the Working Class Under Capitalism |
A revisionist theory: An exposé by Cde. W. B. Bland under the auspices of the Marxist-Leninist Research Bureau of Communist Party Alliance. | 07-Jul-00 | |
The Role of the Revolutionary Newspaper Today | Text of a short talk given to the Stalin Society by John B. Green. |
04-Jun-00 | |
Marxism and Law | Marxist-Leninist Research Bureau on Soviet Jurisprudence | 04-Jun-00 | |
Anarchism Vs. Marxism | Anarchism as a trend opposed to Marxism-Leninism | 29-May-00 | |
London's Mayor | A discussion concerning the nature of 'Parliamentary Democracy' and our position on the election. | 29-May-00 | |
Imperialism & Left Unity | John B. Green describes a petit-bourgeois deviation within the communist movement. |
21-Apr-00 | |
The Struggle for Unity | The need for a single leadership centre: Here Tony Clark of Communist Party Alliance exposes the class forces behind the divisions in the Marxist-Leninist movement and those behind the struggle for unity. This now has an INDEX for ease of reference. |
31-Mar-00 | |
The Socialist Labour Party | The historical background to the formation of the Socialist Labour Party |
31-Mar-00 | |
Work for Communist Unity - Fight Opportunism! |
A statement by the French Collective Eugene Pottier (CEP) on "the sterile divisions which today characterize the communist movement" |
01-Mar-00 | |
Stalin's Antibureaucrat Scenario | A review of the introduction by Lars T. Lih to Stalin's Letters to Molotov |
01-Aug-99 | |
Prospect of Disaster | John B. Green of Communist Party Alliance puts the case against the Open Polemic group, who argued that democratic centralism should be replaced by 'multanimity'. Their ground has shifted since, but the game's the same. |
01-Mar-99 |