Statement by the C.E.P. "Collective Eugene Pottier."


The militants of the Eugene Pottier Collective, of Roubaix, France, took note of the initiative of Editions Prolétariennes aimed at "reversing the phenomenon of sterile divisions " which today characterizes the communist movement which claims adherence to Marxism-Leninism, "in a spirit of debate, without sectarianism or opportunism ."

Following discussions, the Eugene Pottier Collective has declared that it recognises in the appeal of October 28, 1996 (and its reaffirmation in the statement of July 20, 1997) one of its major concerns.

Without going into the detail of our analysis, we consider that the present political situation necessitates, on a national level, a political pole of attraction to put forward a comprehensive alternative, when faced with the dead end into which the left and the French Communist Party (PCF) have led the labour movement - unless we want to leave the working class without a point of reference and leave the field free for reformists, trotskyists, anarchists and fascists. That is unthinkable.

The unification of Marxist-Leninist Communists is thus inevitable and the sooner it is achieved the better.

Admittedly, the existing circles and organisations were extremely useful under the conditions of the decline of the communist movement after the extinction of the PCMLF and the PCRML. They accumulated rich experiences. But whatever their political level, their numerical importance and their militant capacity, these experiences are inevitably partial and they will not be able to progress significantly beyond their current limits. And this is to be expected.

A local group and even a small national organisation cannot offer a credible comprehensive political alternative to those social and progressive elements of the labour movement which are moving away from reformism and revisionism and which require an alternative. It is thus necessary to move on from this stage, to unite our forces and share our experiences if we want the Marxist-Leninists and the organisation of advanced workers to achieve a qualitative leap. How can we advance to this alternative?

The groups which adhere to Marxism-Leninism have differences which are the product of their history (the time of their break with revisionism, degree of this rupture, political organisation of origin, geography, experiences in different areas of struggle etc).

Between them there exist more or less major differences on a great many levels.

But they also have common theoretical views and policies. The advance towards unity can only be achieved by uniting around these common principles and by discussing differences without hiding them, patiently, and as far as possible in relation to concrete questions.

The struggle against sectarianism is thus the slogan corresponding to current reality and the task that presents itself: uniting the Communists.

The struggle against opportunism is another slogan essential to the first task, to form the initial basis of unity and begin working together, in a clear, Marxist-Leninist line, corresponding to the current level of this unity. Concretely, the appeal by Editions Prolétariennes provides the foundation for this step.

The list of organisations to which this call was sent seems to us correct. There undoubtedly exist others that it is necessary to seek out and contact.

In the immediate future, it is necessary that these organisations recognise each other and meet to get to know each other, establish their areas of agreement and difference and establish methods that allow them to work together where they agree and on the rules for handling their differences.

We must bring this stage to its end by allowing as much time as is needed, knowing that "cliquishness" cannot be eliminated overnight, and also that it isn't defeated just by making speeches, but above all by actions, i.e. joint concrete political initiatives. Each organisation will be able to keep, until the end of this stage, an autonomous existence; but it will publicly declare its involvement with the process of unification which is in progress.

The following stages will be those of federation and that of the transition from federation to the organic unit.

This is the way we see it.
This process is not original. Some comrades will think it sounds familiar; but there is no other way. It corresponds to the positive experience of the communist movement.

Let us sweep away hesitations!

Let us consider what is at stake and our communist duty!

The Collective Eugene Pottier (Roubaix), October 3, 1997

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