Oppose the New Imperialism!

The American-led invasion of Iraq is no war against terrorism. The motive forces behind aggressive US policy are American political, economic and commercial interests. The US has seized on Iraq to advance its strategic agenda.

The immediate prize is control of Iraqi oil. But the next goal is the seizure of Saudi oil. Bush wants war to keep US control of the region and to secure oil supplies well into the future. America would like to install a large contingent of troops in the Gulf ready to intervene in Saudi Arabia, which has the world’s largest stock of oil.

The US plans the imperialist occupation of the whole of Iraq, just as it has taken on the role of an occupying force in Afghanistan.

But more than this, the US is engaged in a massive expansionist drive around the world. The US intends to remain the only super-power in the 21st century, and to this end it needs to establish full control over the oil-producing countries. 'Let there be no mistake, there is no country on the planet which is beyond our reach' stated the United States Atlantic Commander in Chief in 1997.

The US mass media have reported that the United States plans to use the invasion of Iraq as a launch pad for further "regime changes" in West Asia. The Bush administration is considering the replacement of regimes throughout the region. Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, Iran, Egypt and Lebanon are potential targets.

War, the threat of war and gaining the acquiescence of partners like Blair's Britain are the three pillars of 21st century American diplomacy.

The US armed and backed Saddam Hussein right through his worst atrocities, including the gassing of the Kurds. US complicity in Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction” programmes is well attested.

Yet the Labour Government is shamelessly supporting the US in its war-drive and recently put together a dossier of lies to deceive the public and to argue the already discredited American case for war. These events have unmasked the true face of bourgeois politicians and the Labour Party.

American imperialism provides the overwhelming economic, military and diplomatic support for the brutal Israeli military occupation of Palestine. In the wake of the US attack on Iraq, there is the danger that Israel might launch renewed attacks on the Palestinians and then the Arab states. Israel would enhance its role as the local enforcer of American power.

In this country, we have the responsibility not only to oppose war, but also to replace our own war-mongering imperialist ruling class. Only a single, unified party of the working class can take on such a task.

For this reason, CP Alliance argues that the communists must form an alliance and eventually unite in a single Communist Party. Only through Communism can humanity defeat imperialist war mongering and put an end to all wars.

Communist Party Alliance was formed to take a step forward towards communist unity and the rebuilding of a single Communist Party in this country. We call on all conscious working class fighters to join us in this task.

Please visit our Campaign page for details of the Campaign for Marxist-Leninist Unity

or visit our Where We Stand page for details of Communist Party Alliance.

John B. Green, CP Alliance.