Communist History and Ideology
(On Stalin).

See Also:
'Stalinism'- An Address to the Sarat Academy in London

W. B. Bland writes on 'Stalinism'.

"Stalinizm" - Londra’daki Sarat Akademisi’de Yapilan Konusma

'Stalinism' in Turkish.

The Truth About Stalin.

A talk given to the Secular Society by Wilf Dixon.

Stalin against the Soviet Bureaucracy.

T. Clark contrasts the Marxist-leninist view on the Soviet bureaucracy with that of trotskyism.

In Memory of J. V. Stalin In this brief but cogent article, Tony Clark sets out what Stalin stood for, and what he stood against in defence of Leninism.
Stalin and the Soviet Trade Union Debate

"Trotsky had called for a 'shake-up' of the unions. This meant in practice removing those cadres whom Trotsky found disagreeable, and whom Trotsky saw as standing in the way of his 'militarisation' of labour policy.
They would be replaced by Trotsky’s own appointees, who backed his policy, many of which Trotsky had gathered around him in the civil war period. Stalin noted that the Trotsky of 1920-1921 and 1924 were very similar..."

Stalin On Trotskyism.

An extract from The Trotskyist Opposition Before and Now (From J. V. Stalin, On the Opposition) with an introduction.

Stalin's Antibureaucrat Scenario.

A review of the Introduction by Lars T. Lih to Stalin's Letters to Molotov. ByT. Clark.

A Reply to Hillel Ticktin.

Tony Clark replies to Hillel Ticktin's letter in the Weekly Worker, which, like so much bourgeois propaganda, castigates "Stalinism".


By John B. Green

The EPSR claims, falsely, that Stalin told the world proletariat in 1952 (in ‘Economic Problems of Socialism’) that the Soviet States would overtake capitalism because capitalism was incapable of further expansion and that all that was required was for the international working class to live in peaceful co-existence with capitalism to achieve the victory. This pamphlet addresses these arguments.