Name Description Added
Book Review:
Trotsky's Analysis of Soviet Bureaucratisation

By David W. Lovell.

Reviewed by T. Clark

Lovell emphasises that Trotsky's contribution to the debate on the nature of the Soviet Union after Lenin was fundamentally of a moral character.

Trotsky failed to see the obvious: if the nature of the bureaucracy was contradictory, attaching the label of 'counterrevolutionary' to it was inappropriate.

Socialism and Bureaucracy.

T. Clark.

The problem of bureaucracy during the socialist transformation.

Peaceful Coexistence - Two Diametrically Opposed Policies.

From People's Daily and Red Flag December 12, 1963.

The revisionists distorted the Leninist policy of peaceful coexistence into an opportunist strategy to undermine anti-imperialist revolution.
But Trotskyists and pseudo-left elements repudiate the Leninist policy altogether, confusing it with the Khrushchevite policy.

Trotsky and the Anti-Lenin Conspiracy.

By T. Clark.

After the February Russian revolution of 1917, the Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky conducted a witch-hunt against Lenin and the Bolshevik party.
What was Trotsky's stand in all this?

An Historic Victory of Marxism-Leninism over Revisionism.

Tirana, 1971.

This document represents the high point in the struggle against modern revisionism in the communist movement.
It is invaluable in studying the nature of revisionism and how it came to dominate many communist parties around the world.

Stalin On Trotskyism.

From J. V. Stalin, On the Opposition.

Part VI of The Trotskyist Opposition Before and Now with an introduction.

Stalin And Khruschev: A Dialectical Contrast.

By Professor K. Majid.

An incisive condemnation of Khrushchevite revisionism, which emerged in the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin in 1953. The paper also criticises the revisionists in Britain for adhering to Khrushchev's line of a peaceful transition to socialism.

Break With the Imperialist Labour Party!

By Tony Clark.

The struggle against imperialism necessitates a determined struggle against social democracy. Marxist-leninists must strive to break the working class from following the Labour Party leadership.

On Sectarianism.

By John B. Green.

"Lines of demarcation have been drawn between those who uphold the principles of Marxism-Leninism and those who attack these principles..."

The Truth About Stalin.

By Wilf Dixon.

A talk given to the Secular Society.

The Origin and Development of Revisionism in the C.P.G.B. (Part 1).

By Wilf Dixon

Opportunism - its roots and development.

The Origin and Development of Revisionism in the C.P.G.B. (Part 2).

By Wilf Dixon.

The Labour Party - Party of Imperialism or the "left".

Lenin's Theory of the World Revolutionary Process.

By Tony Clark.

In this short article, T. Clark clearly explains the Marxist-Leninist viewpoint. If you are researching this area, you cannot do better than to begin your studies here.

Che Guevara
Che Guevara

An article on Ernesto "Che" Guevara, by J. J. Lawrence written for Communist Party Alliance.

Oppose the New Imperialism!

Text of a leaflet for a Stop the War! demonstration against war on Iraq.
By Communist Party Alliance.

The Communist Party of China and the 20th Congress of the CPSU.

The rise of modern revisionism in the international communist movement after the death of J. V. Stalin.
By the British and Irish Communist Organisation.



2008: Pages added to the CP Alliance site in 2008.
2007: Pages added to the CP Alliance site in 2007.
2006: Pages added to the CP Alliance site in 2006.
2005: Pages added to the CP Alliance site in 2005.
2004: Pages added to the CP Alliance site in 2004.
2002: Pages added to the CP Alliance site in 2002.
2001: Pages added to the CP Alliance site in 2001.