American Expansionism and Iraq

America has declared war on "sponsors of international terrorism" including Iraq, Iran, Syria, Cuba and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Now America's imperialist war machine, having maimed and murdered thousands of civilians in Afghanistan, is set to move against Iraq.

Yet it is Iraq, Afghanistan and the peoples of the world who are the victims of US state terrorism.

The 'War on Terror' is an imperialist war in which America asserts its monopoly of force over the rest of the world. The aim is to unite the western imperialists and the reactionary governments that serve them.

Through state terrorism, America intervenes to block any move towards democracy or economic development and opposes any progressive movement challenging its imperialist expansion.

The United States has long propped up brutal regimes, like the Saudi and Kuwaiti monarchies. American imperialism provides the overwhelming economic, military, and diplomatic support for the brutal Israeli military occupation of Palestine.

Iraq has been subject to severe sanctions and blockade since 1990. The freezing of Iraq's assets has prevented it from importing essential medicines and foodstuffs.

Sanctions are an instrument for the imposition of the foreign policy goals of the US and its imperialist allies. The sanctions against Iraq continued regardless of the fact that Iraq complied with UN resolutions. The embargo of Cuba has continued for decades, like the undeclared embargo against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea since 1953.

'Let there be no mistake, there is no country on the planet which is beyond our reach' was the statement from the Atlantic Commander in Chief for the US in 1997.

This is no "war against terrorism". The imperialists are waging an economic and commercial war, so that American multinationals can maximise profits.

Communist Party Alliance.

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John B. Green, CP Alliance.


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