International Struggle Marxist-Leninist
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Founding Editorial Principles of
"International Struggle - Marxist-Leninist"

1. We proudly uphold the following points of Marxist-Leninist principles, and believe that they form the minimum, agreed basis to unite ALL who call themselves Marxist-Leninist for the purpose of bringing out an international theoretical, political and revolutionary journal:

a) defence and a consistent and proud acknowledgement of Marxism-Leninism

b) defence and a consistent upright acknowledgement of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin's thoughts and works

c) determined theoretical and practical struggle against revisionism and revisionists of Marxism-Leninism and its revolutionary political theory

d) upholding the revolutionary road to socialism, and not the so called "peaceful road"

e) recognition of the necessity of the dictatorship of the proletariat to first achieve and then to maintain socialism; and then to advance towards communism until its complete establishment

f) full support of the right of nations to self-determination including secession

g) upholding and spreading the philosophy of dialectic and historical materialism and the revolutionary policy inside the working people's movement; against the philosophy of idealism

h) abhorrence and complete rejection, and determined struggle against all forms of racism and sexism

2. It is important that the journal involve all groups who consider themselves Marxist-Leninist. For that reason the Editorial Board will try and contact all the Marxist-Leninist groups, organisations and parties who accept the Founding Principles of clause 1. The Editorial Board has the task to inform them about the journal and to encourage them to take part in its production and circulation, and to attend the next conference. This conference can be attended by more than one organisation from those countries where the Marxist-Leninist Party has not yet been re-constructed.

3. Until an open debate has achieved the clarity and the principled agreement that is required by the international Marxist-Leninist movement, no new, principled and meaningful Communist International can be formed. That is why a prominent section of "International Struggle" will be devoted to "Discussion and Reply".

The editors will be scrupulously fair to all points of view that conform to clause 1. That is to say, we guarantee ALL Marxist-Leninists will be able to have a written and printed reply, either on the basis of their own, or, on their party's, or group's behalf.

Moreover, the editors are mandated to ensure that a scientific, non-sectarian debate proceeds on MARXIST-LENINIST lines. That is, a debate that is conducted on principled and factual lines, and eschews personality attacks, or character assassination.

4. The editors are aware that the road towards the Marxist-Leninist International cannot be covered on the theoretical level only, so they want to emphasise the importance of the establishment of communist parties and groups in order to organise the class struggle against the bourgeoisie and reactionary forces. They want also to emphasise the importance of the exchange of political and organisational experiences between the world revolutionaries and communists.

5. The only views that will not be tolerated in the journal are those that are openly anti-Marxist-Leninist. They include openly racist, bourgeois, revisionist and Trotskyite views. Only one exception to this will be permitted: where the editors take a joint decision that such an article, carries a valuable lesson to the Marxist-Leninist movement, and needs exposing by printing. Such cases will always be appended with a covering Editorial.

6. The editors number 5, including a Chief Editor. The current Editorial Board has been decided by a democratic election. Their mandate is for 2 years, by which time a new Conference will be held. At this Conference all decisions, elections and functions can be re-discussed. All groups will carry one vote at the forthcoming conference (December 1999). Elections will be held for a new Editorial Board.

7. The language of "INTERNATIONAL STRUGGLE - Marxist-Leninist" is currently English. This is purely a practical consideration at this time. At this stage, participating parties will have their own responsibility to translate the journal into their own other, significant languages. With further consolidation of our strength, we will later be able to assist this translation process.

8. Donations are required for the journal; but these do not confer any editorial privilege.

9. We are fully agreed that a new Marxist-Leninist Communist International is urgently needed. As LINES OF DEMARCATION are drawn, we wish to assist at the right time, in the formation of such a single, truly united Marxist-Leninist Communist International.

We request Marxist-Leninists the world over to participate in this journal. We ask that views be forwarded to a member of the Editorial Board at the addresses below. We further ask, that these submissions be both in paper form, and if possible, computer disc form (IBM compatible). Of course, if the latter is impossible then we will accept articles in only a written form.

Addresses for Correspondence

A Serafini, Casella Postale 741, 50132 - Firenze, Italia

H Kumar, PO Box 8905 991, King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario 18S 5R5, Canada; e-mail:

Communist League, PO Box 24, Leeds LS8 1UU, UK

P Kessel, CEMOPI, 4 Rue d'Arcole, 72000, Le Mans, France; e-mail:

Progressive Documentation and Information Centre for Turkey, PO Box 13068, Tottenham, London N15 4ZF, UK; tel: 0181-533-0377; Fax: 0181-525-1846; e-mail: