Communist History and Ideology
(On Trotskyism).

See Also:
'The Third International After Lenin'.

T. Clark discusses Trotsky's major work, ‘The Third International After Lenin: The Draft Programme of the Communist International - A Criticism of Fundamentals'.

On the Origins of the Theory of Socialism in One Country

We examine the greatest dispute in the history of the modern revolutionary movement based on Marxism.

T. Clark interviewed about Socialism in One Country

The International Marxist-Leninist Review interviews T. Clark following his article on the origins of the theory of socialism in one country, which appears on the CPA website.

The Ideological Role of Trotskyism after 1924

This article is dedicated to the many thousands of Soviet communists who rallied to support J.V. Stalin’s policy of aiming to build socialism in the Soviet Union, which necessitated a struggle to defeat trotskyism in the communist party of the Soviet Union and in the international communist movement.

Letters to the journal Prospect

Some of these documents submitted to Open Polemic were never published on the O. P. site before it became inactive (Comment 01-Feb-2002)

Why We Oppose Trotskyism:
A Summary

A short but convincing argument that prepares the ground for 'What Is Trotskyism' by Tony Clark.

What Is Trotskyism?
A critique of Trotsky's main theoretical assumptions.

A discussion of the main ideas of Trotskyism, revealing their opposition to the ideas of Lenin.

Book Review.
Trotsky's Analysis of Soviet Bureaucratisation, By David W. Lovell.

Reviewed by T. Clark.


By Tony Clark

Notes for a talk given to the Stalin Society by Tony Clark.

A brief guide to the ideological differences between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism.

By Tony Clark

A synoptic exposition of the main ideological differences between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism. A guide for those who seek to examine this matter more deeply.