Communist History and Ideology
(On Revisionism).

See Also:
Ticktin's Revisionist Campaign.

By Tony Clark.

A conference of left-wing revisionists recently decided on a sixteen-point platform as the basis for their campaign for a new Marxist Party, openly declaring that "there are no Marxist parties or would-be Marxist parties or groups in existence".

Peaceful Coexistence - Two Diametrically Opposed Policies.

Introduction by T Clark.

Comment on the open letter of the Central Committee of the CPSU (VI)
The revisionists distorted the Leninist policy of peaceful coexistence into an opportunist policy to undermine anti-imperialist revolution in the world.

Stalin And Khruschev - A Dialectical Contrast.

By Professor K. Majid.

An incisive condemnation of Khrushchevite revisionism, which emerged in the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin in 1953. The paper also criticises the French, Italian and the revisionists in Britain for adhering to Khrushchev's revisionist line of a peaceful transition to socialism.

An Historic Victory of Marxism-Leninism over Revisionism.

Tirana 1971.

This document represents the high point in the struggle against modern revisionism in the communist movement.
It is invaluable in studying the nature of revisionism and how it came to dominate many communist parties around the world.

On the Origins Of Revisionism in the CPGB.

By Wilf Dixon

A paper presented to a meeting of the Stalin Society in London in September 2002

The rise of modern revisionism in the international communist movement after the death of J. V. Stalin.

By the British and Irish Communist Organisation.

The Communist Party of China and the 20th Congress of the CPSU.
The document examines the initial response of the Communist Party of China to the announcements made by Khrushchev at the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) In 1956.

Chinese Communist Critique of Soviet Society

By Harry Powell

An evaluation of the Chinese contribution to the anti-revisionist movement after the death of Stalin

"You are making the socialist revolution, and yet don’t know where the bourgeoisie is. It is right inside the Communist Party - those in power taking the capitalist road." - Mao, quoted by the author)

"...Chinese communist critiques of the Soviet Union ... throw up some useful hypotheses for further investigation..."

Commentary on H. Powell's Chinese Communist Critique

By Tony Clark

Tony Clark introduces Harry Powell's evaluation of the Chinese critique of Soviet revisionism.

"There are certain aspects of the original Chinese critique which are certainly debatable. One, for instance, is the reference to the ‘negative side of the politics upheld by Stalin’, [which is stated] without further elaboration.
... I would disagree with... the implied view that Lenin and Stalin may have subscribed to a "productive forces theory" of socialism, and the suggestion that from 1935, following the 7th World Congress and the adoption of the United-Front Against Fascism policy, the Comintern leadership had been predominantly revisionist."

Albania and China

By Kamal Majid.

K. Majid traces the development and decline of the early anti-revisionist movement as it battled with modern revisionism, personified by the Khruschevites.