Communist History and Ideology.

See Also:

On the Political Role of
Sectarianism in the
Anti-War Movement.

By Tony Clark

The political role of sectarianism is to divert people away from participating in the mass movement.

The Decline of the American Communist Party.
A History of the Communist Party of the United States Since 1945
By David A. Shannon.

Reviewed by T. Clark

Although the book is written from a liberal anti-communist standpoint, Shannon strives for a certain degree of objectivity. What results is an interesting, even colourful account of American communist politics in the early post-war years.

T. Clark summarises and assesses the work.

The Enemy Within.
The rise and fall of the
British Communist Party
By Francis Beckett.

Reviewed by T. Clark

Francis Beckett traces the rise, decline and fall of the former British Communist Party. The final (dissolution) meeting of the party was held at the TUC central London headquarters in November 1991.

T. Clark assesses the work and summarises the history.

The Silent Takeover.

Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy.

By Noreena Hertz.

Reviewed by T. Clark.

Noreena Hertz shows that the international corporations increasingly assume all kinds of functions that were once the preserve of the State.

Hertz depicts the downfall of 'sleazy' politicians and the rise of unelected business leaders: hence global capitalism poses the question of the death of democracy.

It is hard to determine how Hertz, who praises capitalism, actually understands it.
She does not notice that the international conglomerates are all based on highly socialised production and directed by a plan; that society has outgrown capitalist ownership of the means of production; that global capitalism represents immense wealth based on socialised production alongside abject poverty, even in the richest capitalist countries.

Trotsky and the Anti-Lenin Conspiracy.

After the February Russian revolution of 1917, the Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky conducted a witch-hunt against Lenin and the Bolshevik party. T. Clark examines Trotsky's stand in all this.

Lenin's Theory of the World Revolutionary Process.

Tony Clark examines Lenin's theory of the world revolutionary process.

Clark describes its confirmation in the development of the revolution until the ascendancy of revisionism in the international communist movement brought about reversals for socialism.

He argues that the revolutionary storms building up today will be global in extent and we will be faced, not with the perspective of socialism existing in a few countries for many years, but with world revolution.

Socialism and Bureaucracy.

The problem of bureaucracy during the socialist transformation.

Che Guevara.

An article on Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
By J.J. Lawrence.

"We must all strive to be like Che, to show self sacrifice, dedication to the cause, to fight against injustice, racism and imperialism, to help bring about social equality and change the world." - J.J. Lawrence.

The Juche Idea
in the light of Marxism-Leninism.

In 1992, the DPRK revised its constitution to exclude any reference to Marxism-Leninism. GARY HOWELL describes the main features of the Juche Idea and contrasts it with Marxism.


John B. Green.

The EPSR claims, falsely, that Stalin told the world proletariat in 1952 (in ‘Economic Problems of Socialism’) that the Soviet States would overtake capitalism because capitalism was incapable of further expansion and that all that was required was for the international working class to live in peaceful co-existence with capitalism to achieve the victory. This pamphlet addresses these arguments.

A New Surface to
"The British Road".

By W. B. Bland.

Bland’s criticism, written in 1975, refers to the old CPGB, whose revisionist programme 'The British Road' has passed to the Communist Party of Britain.

Defending the Indefensible.

By Tony Clark

100 Years of Permanent Revolution.


By Tony Clark

The first lesson of the 20th Century for revolutionaries